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The MPLAB® PICkit™ 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer allows fast and easy debugging and programming of PIC® and dsPIC® flash microcontrollers, using the powerful graphical user interface of MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), version 4.15.
The MPLAB PICkit 4 programs faster than its predecessor PICkit3. Along with a wider target voltage, the PICkit 4 supports more advanced interfaces.
An additional micro SD card slot and the ability to be self-powered from the target means you can take your code with you and program on the go.*, and never worry about the code size.
* The PICkit 4 now supports Programmer-to-Go functionality. To use it, MPLAB X IDE v5.30 or later is required for firmware update, and a Micro SD Card is also included for your convenience to hold the program data.
To check supported devices: If you have MPLAB X IDE installed, you can browse to the “docs” folder under your MPLAB X installation directory and open the file “Device Support.htm”. Alternatively, you can download it from this link: http://www.microchip.com/mplabx-ide-release-notes
1. Install the latest MPLAB X IDE (www.microchip.com/mplabx)
2. Connect to Target Device
Typical Debugger System – Device with On-Board Debug Circuitry
Alternative Debugger System – ICE Device
3. Create, Build and Run Project
Recommended Settings
** Target device must be running with an oscillator for the debugger to function as a debugger. *** If the device has AVdd and AVss lines, they must be connected for the debugger to operate.
PICkit 4 resources official link: http://www.microchip.com/developmenttools/productdetails.aspx?partno=pg164140