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UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
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UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply

UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply

  • Производитель: Waveshare Electronics
  • Под заказ
  • Самовывоз через 7-9 недель
  • Отправка возможна 23 октября
Минимальный заказ от 1 шт
Кратность заказа 1 шт
2 107,72
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
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UPS Module for Raspberry Pi Pico, Uninterruptible Power Supply
Uninterruptible Power Supply for Pico

Keeps your Pico running while recharging, monitoring battery status via I2C


  • Li-ion and Li-po batteries are quite unstable. They may cause fire, personal injury, or property damage, if they're not properly recharged or used.
  • Do not reversely connect the polarities when recharging or discharging the battery. Do not use inferior charger/charging panel to recharge the battery.
  • Do not mix use old batteries with new ones, avoid using batteries of different brands.
  • When buying Lithium battery, should always make sure the battery specification is compatible with the expansion board. Choose batteries from formal manufacturer, and ensure the batteries will work stably and safely by aging test.
  • Lithium batteries have limited cycle life, they will also deteriorate as time goes by. Should be replaced with new ones when the batteries reaching their max cycle life, or working over two years, whichever comes first.
  • Should be placed carefully and properly, keep it away from inflammables and explosives articles, away from children, avoid any safety accident caused by careless storage.
Features at a glance

ThePico-UPS-A is a dedicated UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) module designed for Raspberry Pi Pico. It incorporates Li-ion battery switching charger with power path management, and voltage/current monitoring chip, allows monitoring the battery operating status via I2C bus.

  • Standard Raspberry Pi Pico header, supports Raspberry Pi Pico series boards
  • Incorporates Li-ion battery switching charger with dynamic power path management, more stable power supply
  • I2C bus communication, monitoring the battery voltage, current, power, and remaining capacity in real time
  • Multi battery protection circuits: over charge/discharge protection, over current protection, short circuit protection, and reverse protection, along with the equalizing charge feature, more safe and stable
  • Onboard recharging indicator, power indicator, and battery warning indicator to check if the battery is connected correctly
  • Comes with development resources and manual (Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ and MicroPython examples)
Recharge voltage5V
Control busI2C
Battery support14500 Li-ion battery (NOT included)
Dimensions60 × 21mm
Raspberry Pi Pico header compatibility

onboard female pin header for direct attaching to Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico and Li-ion battery are NOT included.
What's On Board
  1. ETA6003 recharger chip
  2. INA219 voltage/current monitoring chip
  3. S8261 Li-ion battery protection chip
  4. FS8205 Li-ion battery protection MOS
  5. AO3400 reverse-proof MOS
  6. SI2305 counter current preventing MOS
  1. Rapsberry Pi Pico header for direct attaching to Raspberry Pi Pico
  2. Power switch
  3. Activate button activate the protection circuit after replacing battery
  4. 14500 battery holder
Pinout definition
Outline dimensions
Resources & Services

* Resources for different product may vary, please check the wiki page to confirm the actually provided resources.

Комплект поставки

  • The 14500 battery is NOT included
  1. Pico-UPS-A x1
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